Back Door Overhang

Short update today — I thought the guys might not come out since it was scheduled to rain but Derrick texted me and said they were going to give it a try. Unfortunately once they got here it started raining so they headed home after just a couple hours. While they were here, though, they did get the tiles put on the little roof that’s above our sliding patio door onto the deck.

Photo courtesy of them leaving their ladder up again

I have a feeling little rough patches like that torn-up flashing at the lower right will extend their work a few days past when they actually get all the roof tiles on.

I also realized now that the tiles are laid down on the back half of the garage I can take better photos of them out the windows on that end of the upstairs:

Pardon the window screen…
A close-up look at the edge toward the house that needs a lot of cut tiles. This view is from the octagonal window that’s too low.

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