In the Homestretch?

Sorry for not updating yesterday! On Monday they started putting down solar tiles on the last main portion of the roof, the back of the garage. They continued that yesterday and now they’re about halfway done with it, as you can see in the photo to the left.

The reason the “per day” progress on the tiles isn’t quite the same as the other parts of the roof is because they seem to have split into two teams; one continues to work on laying tiles while the other is doing some of the “detail work.” We smelled tar in our bathroom and reasoned that they were working on replacing the old silver flashing around the standpipe with the new awesome Tesla black flashing, and sure enough — behold!

Lining up good drone photos near the apex of the roof is difficult because the direct wifi connection that feeds me drone video while controlling it tends to start freezing and dropping out any time it’s out of line-of-sight, and then I have to basically rocket it straight away from the roof until I can see it with my own eyes and try again.

You might also notice something else in that photo — the ridge cap is on! They did that just yesterday; here’s a photo I took on Monday where you can see what they had going on with the ridge cap before that:

Something about the camera in that thing sometimes erases fine details… seeing the roof look like flat sheet is weird.

They also finished up the cutting-in on the edge of the roof. Here’s a before-and-after from Friday to yesterday:

They also left their ladder up yesterday so I was able to get some close-up photos of the tiled roof with the better camera on my phone:

There is still one thing on the “top roof” they haven’t dealt with yet — that weird s-shaped channel of missing tiles at the lower right. In fact, now the tile above that is sitting upside down in that spot. Derrick is supposed to be coming, perhaps today, so maybe I’ll ask him about that. It might be because that’s where they put their ladder to get up there (since it’s right above the deck).

They also came in Monday morning and spent a little more time on the wiring; I think it’s “final” now. (Derrick might becoming to give it a final look-over.)

That’s about it so far! Lots of little odds-and-ends being worked by Team B. In case you’re a fan of “unboxing” like me, here are some photos of the ridge cap pieces and some other official Tesla parts I snapped photos of:

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