Attic Work Continues

The guys did a bunch of interesting work in the attics yesterday but they’re not done yet and I want to wait until things are finalized to post my photos of how all that works. I started to write it all up and then realized I was making some assumptions about what I was looking at that would change based on whether they add anything to it.

I can describe the attic work in general, though. Derrick had asked us ahead of time how early we would be comfortable with them getting started on the attic work; since it gets super hot up there, especially being as it’s now late June and temperatures have been in the 90s this week, they have to work during the morning hours and get out of there before it gets too hot. He asked if they could start at 7:30; we told him they could start at 6:30 if they wanted but Ryker rang the doorbell right around 7:30 and asked to come in and get started. I unlocked the side door on the garage and pulled down the attic stairs. Into the main house they brought in a 7-food A-frame ladder (to get into the top attic via the hatch in the upstairs hallway) and some piece of plywood to lay down to walk on since the attic up there is just joists and insulation. After that they were in and out at will. There were sounds of driving screws and walking around overhead. Eventually around 3:00 (much later than I expected, given the heat) a sweat-soaked Ryker came down and told us they were heading out for the day.

In the meantime, they did have the other half of their team put some more tiles up on the house!

Also, I got a good shot of where that “back slope” they worked on the day before is located and where that octagonal window I was talking about is at:

You can see how close to the deck of the garage roof that window is!

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