Crouching Solar, Hidden Tiles

I went in to work for a meeting yesterday, and when I came back at first I was puzzled as to what the crew had actually done. Then as I walked around I found it — they did the part of the garage roof that doesn’t go over our family room.

I should explain. If you look at the diagram to the right, the lower half is what I’ve been calling the “main house.” Most of the interior of the house that’s not the garage is contained within that section, on two stories. The top half is the garage. But you notice how at the very top (where the topmost Inverter is labeled) the apex of the roof is shifted to the left and the roof ends right where the “M” for Meter is labeled? Well, the fatter part of the “garage” area is actually a roof that covers both the garage and a family room at the back of the house that extends off of the kitchen and whatnot in the “main house.” That smaller part at the top is a section of roof that only covers the garage, not the family room. In the drone photo at the very top here you can see the chimney (marked by the rectangle with a circle and X in the diagram) and one of the windows on the end of the family room.

Anyway, long story short they did the tiles on that small slope yesterday, which probably required tons of cutting tiles and being careful where they stepped since the non-solar tiles are the fragile ones. Here’s another photo that might help show where that slope is located:

They also did a few rows on the back of the house:

You can see the cabling system trailing up the roof. I also notice there’s kind of a weird S-shaped trench toward the right side… I’m assuming they have to cut tiles for the entire bottom row, so maybe it’s one of those things where you cut something for a spot, it turns out not to quite fit but it does fit another spot so you put it there instead.

Today they’re supposed to come inside and do the attic wiring… exciting!

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